Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Baroque Collar

Recently I've been reading other blogs because I really enjoy starting from the very first post they wrote to their newer ones. It's really amazing to see how people evolve over time and it always inspires me with my own blogging. Probably the first blog I did this with was Tavi Gevinson's. However, lately I've been going through Adam Gallagher's first posts and I got to a look that I loved (actually almost every single one was my favorite) and also read something that inspired me as well. I'm not sure what it is but men's fashion tends to inspire me more than women's fashion at times. Back on topic, Adam G. wrote, "I wish all men still dressed like this," talking about a look he did with a suit called "The Gentleman", and he continues, "now we just have booty shorts crop tops," and I got to thinking about how even though our generation has our own style, most of it is the same and I really wanted to change things up a bit. So, in regards to my resolutions, I decided to dress differently than I normally would to school, inspired by Adam's words and "The Velveteen Rabbit" look that I loved so much and wear this. Now it's probably not as adventurous as you may think after reading my long speech (which by the way, I wrote instead of my English project), but it's a start and that's better than nothing. So if you actually read this entire thing, thanks, you just made my day.

Thanks for listening - Andrea

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Darn my fickle ways.

Okay. So I've pretty much done exactly what I said I would not do with this here blog. It's been almost exactly a month since my last post, my how the time has flown. Even though at this point I'm sure I don't have any regular followers yet (I only get the occasional view now and then) I still feel like I should be keeping up to date with these things. For me school starts tomorrow so I'm going to be even busier than I was during the summer time, HOWEVER, I am going to definitely try to keep this blog going. I will not give up! So for anyone reading this, sorry that it has been a month. So since I am starting a new school year, how about some resolutions?

2012 - 2013 School Year Resolutions

1. Keep up with my blog! (maybe get someone to read it once in a while)

2. Be more confident and fearless in all aspects of my life. 

3. Dress how I want to, disregarding other people's opinions of me. 

4. NO PROCRASTINATING. (will give me time for other things, like blogging)

5. Make friends with a lot more people, whether it be at school or on the Internet hehe. 

So now that I've actually written these down and put them on the internet for all to see, hopefully I'll be less likely to skip out on them. Hopefully.

Thanks for listening - Andrea

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Costume Pearls

So to anyone that's reading obviously I haven't posted my DIYs yet. However I do have another outfit post and I will definitely post those DIYs soon. So here's a dress that my mom made two years ago with a black ribbon as a belt. Then both the shoes and the necklace are from Goodwill. (: -Andrea

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Preview: DIYs

To anyone out there that may be wanting more posts (unlikely, I know) sorry I haven't posted recently. However I promise I've got some things coming up to post. I even have some DIYs that I recently did that I thought were pretty cool so I'll post those hopefully tomorrow! In the meantime here's a preview (: -Andrea

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sorry just claiming my blog.

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Into the last good fight I'll ever know...

I just finished watching "The Grey" with Liam Neeson and I really loved it. Even though the depiction of the wolves might have been a little exaggerated, the character that Neeson played was really dynamic. I especially loved the poem: "Once more into the fray, Into the last good fight I'll ever know, Live and die on this day, Live and die on this day..."

Anyways, I had my nails done in the morning and thought the color looked really great next to my phone case. I decided to put my camera to use and I took this really awesome shot in front of my window. If anyone's reading this, hope you like it. - Andrea

Monday, July 16, 2012

Black & Gold

Okay so I didn't end up posting until monday. My bad. But finally I have some outfit pictures from yesterday when I was dressed nice and fancy. First outfit pictures, hope you like them! (: (By the way sorry for my freaky expression haha)

The shirt was a hand-me-down from my lovely cousin and the skirt was my moms. The belt was from something that I don't remember, I think it was a Macy's dress.

The beautiful (but painful after a while) glittery gold shoes are from Goodwill and the earrings are from Topshop. Unfortunately I had to go all the way to Vegas to get them haha. Thank goodness they're putting one in Los Angeles soon. CAN'T WAIT! By the way if there's anyone reading this out there, please comment so I know I'm not just talking to myself (: - Andrea

Saturday, July 14, 2012

OC Fair: Home Sweet Home

I just came back from the fair with my family and really enjoyed myself. Even though I'm a scaredy cat when it comes to roller coasters and large rides, I had fun eating everything in sight (except, unfortunately, fried foods) including a 1/2 pound burger. Yum! Here's some pictures from the Sky Ride too. I'll try to post later today some outfit pictures as I am dressed nice and fancy today. (: -Andrea

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Insert Cliche Title About Beginnings Here

This is probably the third time I've tried to start a blog but I feel like it's different this time. For example, this time I'm not trying to blog about anything specific (I tried blogging about nail art once), instead I'm blogging about everything and anything that interests me. This includes A LOT of things, like: fashion, photography, dance, music, television, movies, art...the list could go on. So I'm gonna try to have fun with it and stick to it for as long as I possibly can. - Andrea